GOL: Italiano and football
A week of Italian language and football for Sudanese children.
Khartoum, April .4 , 2016 , (SUNA)- An important Italian week in Sudan has been characterized by a mix of sport , culture, Italian football. The week has been conceived and organized by the Italian Embassy in Sudan with the support of our official DEUTZ-FAHR importer in Sudan: AFI. Coaches and professional teachers arrived from Italy to Khartoum for a football camp that also includes classes for learning basic Italian.
The week included, football training sessions in the morning and Italian lessons in the afternoon, entertainment and social commitment; all this is the result of the successful collaboration between the Italian Embassy, the Italian Footballers' Association (AIC), the Università Ca' Foscari of Venice and the Sudanese Football Association.
In the middle of the week the participants in the football camp and Italian language lessons had an unforgettable surprise, the presence in Sudan of two football stars: Damiano Tommasi and Simone Perrotta, who represented AIC and more in general the tradition of football in Italy; its ethical and healthy values aimed at fostering a positive competition in sports and the transmission of other important values for the young people who represent the promise of a better future.